Low Testosterone

Testosterone plays a vital role in all human bodies. In men, it maintains muscle mass, contributes to a healthy metabolic rate and sex drive, promotes blood flow to the penis for erections, and even binds to receptors in the brain to promote a sense of well being and guard against depression. Low testosterone is incredibly common with levels starting to decrease in our late 20s to early 30s.

What are Symptoms of Low Testosterone?

A reduction in testosterone in the body can have a variety of effects, some of which are subtle, while others may be more obvious to the patient. You may notice a reduction of sex drive, diminished muscle mass, a reduction in body hair, the growth of unwanted breast tissue, and erectile dysfunction. The more subtle effects include being more irritable, having less motivation in your personal and professional life, low mood, slightly more anxious and lower energy. Men with low testosterone often hit a slump around 3-4 pm and have little energy after work and just want to “crash” on the couch. For others, low testosterone makes them less social and more withdrawn. If you think you have low testosterone, talk to your doctor about getting your levels checked.

How Can My Testosterone Levels Be Improved?

Changes to your lifestyle can have a meaningful impact on your testosterone levels. Getting enough sleep, exercising regularly, eating healthy, and losing weight are often the most effective first steps in improving testosterone levels. Fat cells actually contain an enzyme that converts testosterone into the female hormone estrogen, lowering your overall testosterone levels and throwing off the proper ratio. Plus, being overweight can actually increase a protein called sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG) which binds to testosterone in the bloodstream and makes it unavailable. If lifestyle changes are ineffective or are inappropriate for the root cause of your low testosterone, Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT) may be the next best step.

How is Low Testosterone treated? 

Three methods of TRT are available, all involving the administration of additional testosterone. Formulations come in topicals, injectable, and small pellet implants. Each has their pros and cons and having a discussion will determine which is best for you. Dr. Elliott trained with the world’s foremost experts in testosterone treatment and has a deeper understanding of the nuances in diagnosis and treatment and offers the latest in treatment options.

You’ll get comprehensive testing to detect any underlying medical issues and a review of your medication list and medical history to look for possible contributing factors. After confirming the diagnosis, Dr. Elliot will discuss treatment options, initiate treatment, and closely monitor your lab work to maintain safe, healthy levels. 

If you think you may be living with symptoms of low testosterone, give our office a call at 470-663-6622.